Schoolovision is Back!
Posted in news on 07/12/2022

Schoolovision is Back!
Dear Parents
Schoolovision is here again! If your daughter is interested in taking part, I’m sure she has already told you! It’s open to all girls from 3rd to 6th classes.
This year, we have set up a dedicated WhatsApp phone number to make it easier to submit songs. We ask though that you / your daughter follow a few simple rules:
1. The entry must come from a parent’s phone number only. This must be observed.
2. If they are submitting a video (rather than a sound-only clip), then we ask that the camera is pointed at the ceiling/floor or otherwise obscured – i.e. we don’t need to see the children.
3. Each recording must begin with the child(ren) saying their name, what class they are in, the name of their song (and the name of the band, if applicable).
The phone number has been sent to all parents by email.
Please also email a copy of the words of the song, members of the group and what class they’re in to roshea @ Again, we would like this to be from a parent email address.
The song must be original and must be the children’s own work. They cannot get help from adults.
Finally, we have an outside adjudicator, from the School of Music, to help select the finalists.
Best of luck to everyone taking part!