Eglantine Girls in Douglas Village
The girls from Eglantine NS were busy today as they performed a little show in Douglas Village Shopping Centre. Pupils from Ms Ryan’s 2nd class sang loud and proud to support our Irish rugby team in France, as they sang with pride, “Ireland’s Call”. Belle from 6th class also danced for the lucky passing shoppers!...
Easter Holidays
Remember that our school will close at 12 noon on Friday for Easter Holidays. We will reopen on Monday 17th April for Term 3.
Drama in Sixth Class
Thursday means drama in sixth class!
DRAFT: Child Safeguarding Statement
The following is a draft copy of our Child Safeguarding Statement. If you have any comments / opinion on this draft policy, please use the form below to submit them for consideration.
Christmas Performances
Please see below for dates and times of our Christmas performances: Monday 12th December 1.45 Choir Tuesday 13th 12.45 Senior Infants 1.40 Third Class Wednesday 14th 11.00 Fourth Class 11.45 Fifth Class 12.45 Junior Infants 1.45 First Class (Mrs OSullivan, Mrs Landers) Thursday 15th 1.30 First Class (Mrs OShea) Friday 16th 11.00 Sixth Class 12.00...
Christmas Performances
Tá an Nollaig ag teacht! All our girls have been working so hard to prepare for their Christmas shows and can’t wait to show all their grown ups in December. Check out the timetable below to see the performance date for each class.
Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Cork Simon Community
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of the Cork Simon Community. Your geneousity helped us to raise over €800 for this wonderful cause!
Christmas in Scoil Bhríde
What a busy Christmas we had! Choirs and pantos, shows and raffles, orchestras, baking, art and quizzes. . . not to mention some very sneaky elves!
Christmas has arrived in Eglantine!
Tickets go on sale today for our annual raffle. All proceeds go to St Vincent de Paul to support families in our local area.
Behind the Scenes at Eglantine
Have you ever wondered what goes on in Eglantine once the children go home? Well, wonder no more!